人物访谈 | 安娜密·维克曼斯 | 总第79期“明日之建筑”专刊
Annemie Wyckmans
PhD, is Vice Dean of Research at NTNU Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Architecture and Design. Wyckmans is professor in Sustainable Architecture / Smart Cities. Her main responsibilities are developing and promoting strategic research in architecture, urban planning and industrial design at Norwegian, EU and international Level (including China), in particular related to Smart Cities; and facilitating interaction between research, education and industry, to ensure capacity building of and awareness among future professionals (master and PhD). She is mainly working with research and innovation on smart cities and neighbourhoods, aiming to promote the role of architectural and urban design in smart, energy-efficient, climate-resilient cities. She leads the Norwegian EU-shadow group on Energy-Efficient Buildings and Smart Cities and Communities, and a corresponding network at NTNU.
First, what is your opinion on the urbanization of China with this increasing speed and volume? It is really a big question.
Ha, just start with a small introduction. Well, um, I know, of course, that the speed and scale of urbanization in China is causing several challenges in terms of environmental, economic, demographic challenges. But at the same time, it also gives a lot of opportunities, especially, if there is a little bit of time and space to think how to make things better. That is, now there seems to a big change in the way of planning and design urban with a very expressive interests for human, put the citizen in the center, which you know that better than I.
In the thirteen five years plans, in the year of urbanization plan, now there seems to be a lot of interests for creating cities and urban districts with very high quality of life, but also a high quality of the environment, appropriate use of resources or energy, attempt not to have or maybe zero impacts or even a positive impact on air quality or on nature, on the environmental resources. So, that is very exciting. And also if we see how fast the pace of urbanization has been in the past in China, so if there now is a large change towards these positive impacts and a pace of urbanization keeps progressing it has been before, it can actually lead to a very big improvement in the environment and in the conditions of quality life of people in a very short of time. Of course, our interesting in working with China is the opportunity to be a part of this, also to learn from Europe planning progresses takes much time, there are advantages to that, but the disadvantages is that it may take many years before you can test something to see if something works. In China, there is opportunity to see the results much faster.
Then related to the first question in this scenario. This forum is focusing on the zero energy and sustainable development, so how do you related to this scenario you have been , according to your research and practice?
Well, for this year’s forum, we want to take a slightly a smaller skill than in entire cities and regions. Exactly because we think there are some very good projects examples at the building and district skill that could be shown. And we really can explore the potential learning effective synergy between Nordic countries and China. So, this year’s forum, we focus on building skill and building clusters districts skill. There, we know that there are results where these projects actually have led to zero emission development. So we are both the entire construction process and operation, renovation all the materials included, any kind of energy or emissions that have been used to create these processes and these materials have been balanced by generating additional renewal energy. So, that actually the balances are zero, and we cannot yet demonstrate that for the entire city. We can for building and building cluster skill up to neighborhoods that is we wanted to show. We know that a lot of companies and a lot of cities, and research institutes, of course, are planning towards design zero emission cities. But as to yet, you know, there is a lot of thinking, planning and organizing, but we want to show the results. So that is why we are building the neighborhood skill now. That is also we can show realistic integrated approach between experts working with materials, with lifecycle analysis, with design, building design and district design engineer, social sciences. We hope that next forum we can scale up the district and cities level.
You mentioned this small skill experiment of sustainable development in the building skills. But in fact, this sustainable development idea is not only architectural concept but it is also a social concept. So it means not only designers and researchers are part of it, but it needs different sectors of all the society to work jointly to achieve this goal. You know usually the experts work in their fields. How will you comment in Norwegian context and in Chinese context?
let’s start from very small skills at NTNU. Sometimes we joked that actually we would require all of the expertise of all the disciplines of the NTNU in order to be created smart sustainable cities. NTNU have all experts and all kinds of disciplines except for law and religion. So actually we cannot make sustainable cities without the sweeties. So we’ve been testing how to get of all these disciplines who are very much involved in their fields, how to create cooperation, like how is the platform between all of these experts, and to see if we can do similar with towards the cities and municipalities.
I started to working with that about 10 years ago. And at first we had projects with the municipality where we try to create the neighborhoods in Norway which we have no admission that would be socially responsible, etc. After many years of urban planning in design, the projects still have not been realized. And we see, of course, that in order to really create the projects that can be improvement and operation license actually be put into practice, it is not enough to have the research and the cities, you also need the industry components, and you need the citizens involved. So then, it is not enough to just make sure that all disciplines are working together, but you also need different sectors of society. So then when we saw this we can create good ideas, but we cannot make improvement in practice if we don’t get citizen and industry. So we started to work to integrate more into our projects as well or not to integrate them into our projects but to create projects together with them.
For the past 8 years, now we have had a research center on the zero emission buildings with industry partners and public partners. Now we will go towards a research center on zero emission neighborhoods in smart cities, so larger skills, together with 7 cities partners (from the whole country 7 different cities) and more than 30 industry partners. It’s led by NTNU and cooperation with SINTEF, a large center research organization institute in Scandinavia. So we are testing how to create new knowledge, new research and new projects together with industries and with cities in this context.
We see across Europe similar development happening and actually we are very much involved in European organization institutes to learn each other and to see if what we are doing in our country, what we are testing there, demonstrating there if that can also be used in other countries. So we can learn. One thing is to plan something and to improve it that something can be completely different to see if you can actually transfer it to other projects and other cities. There, it is our challenging cooperation with China as well. We have a lot of common interests. We are asking a lot of some questions. But when we are developing solutions, can we actually learn from each others’ solutions and can we transfer them? And if we can test something, can we skill that and add up to other areas or does it really always to be a local projects with local actors?
Yeah, actually you have partly answered my next question because you have urban EU-China platform. And what is your expectation to this platform?
Well, we are currently preparing for the signing of the contracts. We hope to formerly start this project by December this year. That is exactly the summary of everything that I said now. It is the cooperation with different sectors, with different disciplines. It involves policy, finance, demonstration projects, cooperation between with cities, cooperation between industries and creating meeting places for different stakeholders and partners to meet and to exchange their experiences to learn from each other. So, that would already be challenges to put all of these together in one project. And this would be additional platform cooperation between EU and China. There exactly what we started from was not the differences between EU and China, but what we have in common. We want to create good cities where people are in the center and with a good quality of life and good environment and low impact or possible no impact on energy resource and climate.
So we know that there are certain solutions and technologies, also certain funding options etc. that cannot be transferred. But we also see that a lot of the methods and the processes, and a type of policies that are being developed on each side, actually, there we can learn from each other, also for example see the type of circles that should be involved when making a decision. Sometimes we learn because we are very similar, sometimes we learn because the other is so different from us. They are asking questions about things that we think you know just are obvious, then we think the things is not obvious. When you have been in doing the certain process in same way for the ten years, and you meet colleagues in China and they asked, “Why are you doing in this ways?” And you only answer, “Well, you know because it is the regulations like these things for ten years.” Then you start to think might there be a better way, how is someone else doing this. That is intention of the platform. Of course we know that currently there are some barriers. There are many cities in EU and China that would like to cooperate. There are industries, companies, organizations that would like to cooperate. But sometimes it is difficult to find each other, because of languages, culture, but also maybe the financing systems are different, the regulations are different. It is just too difficult to as one company or one person to try to figure this out. The intention of the platform is actually to low these barriers to cooperation, so to together all the experiences and make them available for people to see that if someone wants to cooperate, they can find it easier match on the other side, and also to actually show what are the advantages of cooperating between EU and China, between cities and industries and in research. So, that is what the project is about.
How will it be organized of the platform?
Well, we have 8 partners from Europe and 5 from China. We have some government agencies from China and some university centers with national responsibility and EU-China chamber of commerce which deals with industry cooperation. So, we try to have both policy, research and industry on the Chinese side. For the European partners, we have basically been the leaders of the main European network organizations for urban Europe smart cities. All of those, the leading organizations are part of our consultation, the leading organizations both in research, in policy, and in industry cooperation. So, we know that by having all these in our consultation, we can reach all of their networks very easily, we can reach thousands of institutions or organizations, companies. But we know that also would be easily become a lots of talking and meeting. So, we also make very specific goals. We will set up some demonstration projects, we will create specific cooperation between cities. Within this network, we will identify who is already working with China, and would like to work with China, and specifically help them to meet. Our Chinese partners are doing the same on the Chinese side, so that would be more easily to match the different partners together.
We are actually working through the Chinese partners and European’s side. We are working directly with different funding agencies, so that we can also match. The funding is available on the European and Chinese side. We can try to make some of it match, so that maybe we can create some joint project funding, also some joint to the calls, that we are able to make Chinese, European cities, researches and industries to join forces and together to apply for a project that would be supported and financed by Chinese and European sides. So then we can really create the results together.
You mentioned there are different nationalities to achieve sustainable development goals. So now you have this platform in fact with two groups of people with different background cultures. Have you had some knowledge or your observation of the main differences of these two kinds of people? Where are the differences and challenges?
Well, luckily we’ve had already quite a lot of national projects together with China. And we’ve also had several like European cooperation projects. And now we try to link these together. Some of the challenges are that just we mean the same but we use different words and we use the words to the other party meaning something else. We actually are intending the same, but we just don’t see that. And it really requires patience, of course and willing them to listen, to actually when someone said something, not react like oh no but you know it is something else, but to ask what do you meaning with this, do I understand correctly? And really with the genius interests in what the other people are doing. We think that during we have been working on that proposal for a long time, very intensively also, there we try to practice this. Never just get someone to submit something, but always ask and discuss to see if we understand each other. Another challenge is that we also have the different ways of, for example, the planning or making decisions. So some people have first a lot of discussion and make decision that is set for the whole influence. Others think we will test something, we will see how it will go, and then we maybe change, be flexible. And we see that there are a lot of challenges. But it is not just between EU and China, but it also between different agencies, organizations involved. When you work with people from research, policy and industry, they have a different pace and a different way of decision making.
There we can see that if it is developed only by one sector, or only by one continent, the solutions will not to be able to be transferred to the other ones. We need, yes, it is very complex partnership, but it needs to be complex, because otherwise we cannot reflect the complex of the society. But we do hope them this is the platform that for starters will last 3 years, current projects funding is for 3 years. We have been working together on seeing how we can create some fast solutions, so we know that many of the things we will start actually take 10 years or 20 years to really see the difference. But we also look at how can we start to make difference within those 3 years, so that people see that it is a good development, we want to be a part of it, and we want to join it. That is going to the main effort for starting this platform in December to get everyone on board and to show that this is equal cooperation between China and Europe. That is a very important place to be part of both as industry, as policy, as research organization.
I also wonder if you have some zero emission building design or building projects finished in Europe. And have you seen some similar projects or smart city or zero emission building in China? Compare the two realized types of projects, what are strength and weakness?
Well, to really find zero emission project is quite rare. A lot of projects focus on zero energy, but then it does not necessarily reflect where the energy comes from. The energy might be used in fossils fuel. For a long time, in Europe there have been a lot of focused on zero energy, now it is starting to change more towards zero emissions luckily. But it is quite difficult. We’ve seen we have some examples in Norway on the building skills. We see that it directly took a lot of years of cooperation between the architecture firms, the contractors, the building suppliers and research in order to create those solutions, not just the technologies but also the design who have to building on how to put everything together and how to organize the process, so you actually get there.
There we saw that in the first time it was a lot of push from research side to get zero emission. The second time that already started to change, the third time the industries said ok, you know we‘ve seen what you are skinned what we need to be done. Now we make a long process that also fix within the market, so not demonstration projects that cost small and a lot of time, but we see how we can create this kind of buildings within the normal market. So they have just not just adopted the process, but they have to make their own the project. That is of course intention.
We fixed several projects in China so we’ve seen some good, like partial results, or a building project focuses on zero energy on operation or on using natural materials or very well integrated with the nature around it. I have not yet seen the zero emission building or districts. I hope maybe to see that tomorrow. But we have some meetings with cities and districts that are currently been created. They have very promising starting point. They have exactly the starting point that would be needed in order to get there. So they start with or not with or first we do physical planning and we do transfer and we do energy, but they start with we need to integrate the designers planning. So we need these experts on board from the start. They also have the local DRC experts in terms of energy you know those are on board. They have the planning, the policy, the people and the politicians. All the different decisions that make the experts are part of the groups from the start and they will have a very good chance to develop good integrated solutions that can be detailed to become a zero emission district. And they also work with different indictors for what we are going to measure. How can it be measured, how about the quality of life? It might be difficult to be measured. How we are going to make sure this is included? So we have very high hope for these projects that is exactly with this platform we will be enable to follow them during next year to see how it will develop. Make sure others can learn from this.
Translator and Proofreader
XU Dongming, MNAL Architect, PhD candidate at Faculty of Architecture and Design, NTNU
HOU Xiaoqing, Master in English and Second Language Acquisition, NTNU